Social and psychological service

One Of The Main Tasks Of The Psychological Service Is To Study The Personality Of Students, Help Them Adapt In A Team, Communicate With Peers And Teachers. The Psychological Service Of The College Is A System Aimed At Creating A Favorable Psychological Environment For Students And Providing Psychological Assistance.

The Purpose Of The Psychological Service Is To Provide Psychological Support To Students, Preserve Their Health, Create Favorable Socio—Psychological Conditions, Develop Personal Qualities, Ensure Stress Resistance And Psychological Safety.

Жыргалбаева Фарида Шафкатовна

Тel: 87088416031


One Of The Main Tasks Of The Psychological Service Is To Study The Personality Of Students, Help Them Adapt In A Team, Communicate With Peers And Teachers. The Psychological Service Of The College Is A System Aimed At Creating A Favorable Psychological Environment For Students And Providing Psychological Assistance.

The Purpose Of The Psychological Service Is To Provide Psychological Support To Students, Preserve Their Health, Create Favorable Socio—Psychological Conditions, Develop Personal Qualities, Ensure Stress Resistance And Psychological Safety.

In 2022-2023, within the framework of the project “Creation of a center for the prevention of auto-destructive behavior (suicide) among young people of the Almaty region”, organized by the public association “KOS KANAT ZHETISU” within the framework of the LOT project and in order to develop communicative qualities, group classes were held. Our 1st year student Israpulov Zulpikar was awarded a Letter of Thanks for his active participation in the online webinar.

In 2020, 3rd year student Karabai Muldir participated in the conference “KR Bilim alemi” on the topic of Using innovations in the organization of psychological services, took 1st place and was awarded a Diploma of the 1st degree.

In 2022, a training seminar “We are against violence” was organized at Talgar Polytechnic College. The training was attended by female students of the 1st and 2nd courses. The goal: To inform teenagers about violence, to say that this is the worst quality of a person. The most important value of a person is his mental state, his freedom, so teach students to protect their freedoms with the help of human rights. Explain that violence has a direct impact on humanity. Topics covered at the training seminar: Empowerment Self-Defense (ESD) – Self–defense training for the empowerment of women, “Empowerment of Self-defense” of women, “We are against violence”, “Prevention of early pregnancy” Invited guests; Dinara Beksultanovna – Psychologist. Dinara Zhaksynbek, ESD Global Coordinator in Kazakhstan.He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of social and economic development, working in particular with women and youth. Moldir Alban is the co-founder and founder of the SVET (Stop Violence End Tyranny) Public Foundation, author at Manshuq media, Til kespek zhok, co-founder of the social project on sex education at the Kazakh Suragym bar, founder of the Saqtan educational channel on self-defense, team leader of the mentor group at TEDxAbayStWomen. Rakisheva Lyazzat Bekmukhanbetovna , human rights activist , lawyer, head of the Public Foundation “Human Rights Lawyers” author of the book in three languages “Lyazzat to meet fate” Member of the public commission “AKIKAT” on the January events.

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